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Wednesday, August 14, 2019


August 14, 2019 0 Comments

Monarch Caterpillar Lazing About on a Milkweed Plant.
We have a large patch of milkweed plants alongside our garage.  They are currently home to quite a few striped caterpillars whom I believe to be future Monarch Butterflies. The kids and I have been watching them eat up the milkweed leaves for several weeks now. So far we haven't spotted any signs of Chrysalis building, but these Caterpillars are definitely growing in size.
Monarch Caterpillar Chomping on a Leaf.

I bet in the next few weeks that these Caterpillars will start wrapping themselves up for their next journey of their life cycle.  Before they do, I took some time today to capture them in their current state. Whether they were alone, with a companion, eating or lazing about, we found them to pretty fascinating creatures!

Interestingly, my daughter, aged 4, also spotted a white hairy Caterpillar crawling along our lawn.  After looking at it closely and doing some research, I believe it to be a Hickory Tussock Moth Caterpillar.  Unfortunately it is a type of Caterpillar that can give you quite an itchy rash if you are sensitive to their barbs.  I got a pretty good photo of this one, who was quite social.  But we stayed away because we are not going to take our chances.

Hickory Tussock Moth Caterpillar on the move.

I think later today I may find our copy of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle and leave it out for my younger kids to find.  We may also have a little stuffed caterpillar too for them to play with.  Hopefully we can extend this experience a bit if they are interested.

As I was looking at my bookshelf, I also found a book that may be of interest to older kids and parents.  It is called, 'Hope for the Flowers' by Trina Paulus.  It is an easy read, with illustrations, but packs big thoughts about dealing with change through the story about a caterpillar.

Have you spotted any Caterpillars recently?  Please share in the comments.  If I spot any Chrysalis building I will be sure to share with you all.  Have a great day!