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Friday, November 10, 2017

Chocolate Berry Smoothies

November 10, 2017 0 Comments
My 13 year old wanted chocolate milk this morning, but we are out of milk.  I compromised by suggesting we make chocolate smoothies. My 3 year old loves to help me in the kitchen, so she immediately yelled, "I want to help!"

I gathered up the following ingredients:

  • Hershey's Chocolate Syrup
  • Juicy Juice Passion Dragonfruit
  • Honey
  • Vanilla Greek Yogurt
  • Frozen Whole Strawberries
  • Frozen Maine Blueberries

Daughter helped scoop out the yogurt and put the frozen strawberries into our Magic Bullet.  I didn't exactly measure anything, but I usually fill the pitcher only halfway.  If I were to guesstimate...we probably used a half cup of yogurt, 2 tablespoons of honey and chocolate syrup, maybe a cup or 2 of juice, and a half cup of blueberries and strawberries.  I cook visually, so if I like how it looks I go with it!

After filling the Magic Bullet we blended for about a minute or until all the berries are pulverized. If it looks too chunky add more juice.  I served our smoothies with straws, so I wanted it liquid enough to be easily drinkable.

The result? My 13 year old said, "This is crazy good!", my 11 year old finicky eater drank it up, my 3 year old asked for seconds and my 14 month old grabbed my cup. So I think it was kid-approved.

I love any chance to get my kids in the kitchen and cooking, because I feel that learning to cook is a valuable life skill.  Smoothies are one of those kid-friendly activities that provides a great sensory experience too.  Do your kids ever help you in the kitchen?  Have you made smoothies together?  What do you put in your smoothies?

This is also an activity that Older Kids could do independently.  Also makes for a really healthy snack. Cheers!!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Upcycled Drawing

November 09, 2017 0 Comments
I love to reuse household packaging. I've made felt board pieces out of cereal box characters; made organizers out of food boxes; and bookmarks out of packaging too. At the moment my kitchen island is balanced by a tiny piece of cardboard too. Repurposing at its finest!

As I was sweeping, I found a popsicle mold package on the floor.  I set it on my counter as I swept. When I glanced over the holes in the package reminded me of eyes.  I instantly felt inspired to create.

I took out a black marker, scissors and construction paper.  I decided to cut the cardboard packaging in half.  Then I took one half and placed it on the paper. I drew dots in the holes for eyes.  This helped me to visualize an outline.  My first thought was a monkey.

As I placed the packaging on the paper in different ways, I came up with a few ideas. When I put both halves down on the paper, I decided to draw a boy and his mother.

I think kids would have a lot of fun with this activity.  It is pretty open ended.  They could first pick out a package from your recycling.  Then they could cut it up into shapes and then they could draw around the packaging. Sky's the limit!

This is a great creative and family-friendly activity.  So please share if you give this idea a try! Have a great day!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

More Drawing Fun

November 08, 2017 0 Comments
I've been on a drawing kick lately.  I've never considered myself to be especially good at drawing, but I want to get better. To help me, I've been exploring how to draw tutorials.  Sometimes I just observe a picture and start drawing an outline and go from there.

This morning, I drew animals and even tried my hand at pattern drawing.  I think they came out pretty good.

I drew with a black marker on tracing paper. Then I gave the drawings to my Daughter (3).  She colored them with crayons and chalk.

I think she made my drawings look a lot better.

Do you or your children like to draw? Have you tried any how to draw books or tutorials?  I think this particular art activity was a good activity to share with my Daughter.  I think we made a good art team!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Quick Crafts

November 07, 2017 0 Comments
This morning we have been busy crafting.  Below you will see the name of the project, supplies needed and the steps.  I like these two crafts, because I threw them together in minutes. We already had everything on hand.  I didn't have to spend any money or do any extensive planning. I love that!So without further ado....

 Lion Finger Puppet
Supplies: Yellow Construction Paper, Black Marker, Scissors

Draw a cat face, a lion mane, a tail, a body, and finger holes.

Cut around the outside edges, and cutout the finger holes.

Results: One happy Child!!  She had fun playing with her new Lion Puppet.  He is so cute too! Roar!!

Giving Hair Cuts
Supplies: 2 Paper Plates, Black Marker, Kid's Scissors

Draw a happy face on one plate and a sad face on the other plate.

Ask your child to give the plate people hair cuts.  Only the paper plates!!!
My Daughter loves any chance to use scissors. So she got right into this activity. You could also talk about the emotions of the plate people. Why are they happy? Why are they sad?

**BTW, I can't take credit for these activities solely. I saw these ideas on Pinterest.  I did however, draw the lion and faces, cut them out, and write up instructions.  I actually never read the articles attached to the pins. My apologies Pinterest people! 

Hope you feel as inspired as I was! I think your kids will love it! 
What quick crafts have you done lately with your kids?

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Outside Blanket Fort Play

October 19, 2017 0 Comments

Today was a gorgeous day for October.  The sun was shining, and the outside was calling.  So we spent quite a bit of time out on our deck.

My youngest likes to climb.  He climbs on any chair within his reach. Mama doesn't like having to chase after him and put him back on the ground a zillion times.  So I decided to get creative with the chairs, and I used them to make a large Blanket Fort!

I brought out blankets and throw pillows. I started to gather up the chairs, and put on the first blanket when bam my 2 year old had to get in on the action.  After I initially setup the fort, things took a very different turn. Daughter had other ideas....

First, she threw the pillows on top of the blankets. The blankets fell off the chairs of course.  Then the play became focused on the chairs.  The chairs were lined up. They were decorated with pillows. Giant stuffed animals were brought out, and set upon the chairs. Little brother was manhandled and moved about also. Lol!
This afternoon my oldest son spent some time playing out there with the littles. After he resetup the blanket fort my Daughter ate her snack underneath it, and my one year old laid down. When they were busy playing outside of the fort, Mama even hid under there to get a few moments to use my phone in peace. Haha!

I would have to say this was a successful activity.  Sometimes going old school is better than high tech activities.  They had such a fun time and got lots of fresh air too!

When was the last time you made a blanket fort for your kids? Have you tried making one outside?

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Pasta Play

October 17, 2017 0 Comments

Today is National Pasta Day, which inspired me to set up an activity for my Littles. Since I have lots of different types of pasta in my pantry at the moment, I don't mind sparing a box or two.  Especially if its going to keep my kiddos busily engaged for a bit.  Anything to keep those little hands and minds busy.  

For today's activity, I used a box of Rigatoni (which can be found at most grocery stores), pipe cleaners and lacing strings (I took them from a lacing card set), and a large plastic bowl.  I dumped the pasta in the bowl and set the pipe cleaners and strings next to the bowl.  I didn't give any instructions, but I did string a few pasta on a pipe cleaner as I sat next to them.  My Daughter saw me and copied.  I let them go on their own from there.

My Daughter got possessive about the pasta...she's still learning to share.  But she got right into the play. She had fun digging her hands in the bowl, stirring it around.  She counted the pasta, and strung the pasta on the pipe cleaners.  She got really creative and said she was making pizza.  Who doesn't like pasta pizza, right?  

Since she wasn't sharing very well, I setup another bowl of Fussili pasta for little brother.  It was more of a sensory experience for him.  He had fun feeling the pasta; rolling it around; scattering it about. It kept him engrossed.

I love to see where my kids go to in their play.  When I watch them at play, I can see their gears turning.  It progresses from what I initially set out to something else entirely.  The pasta play for my Daughter led to a whole dramatic experience that incorporated a stuffed Dalmatian being surrounded by apples. See...not the stringing activity I originally envisioned.
But that is what I love about play.  It is different for each child and each person. It takes what you know and puts an individual spin on it.

Both my kids also learned that dry uncooked pasta doesn't taste as good as cooked. Lol!

I hope that this activity inspires you to come up with your own play experience.  Kids really don't need expensive toys to play with. Just use what you have on hand.

Do you let your kids play with their food?

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Mushroom & Wildflower Painting

September 21, 2017 0 Comments
The littles and I were playing in the yard earlier; and I started to admire all the mushrooms and wildflowers growing in our yard.  I instantly got inspired to setup a nature painting activity for them.

I setup a kid-sized table outside, with poster board, fingerpaints, and assorted wildflowers and mushrooms. It got really windy, so we moved the art fun into the garage.  My daughter got right to work making her masterpiece.  It was fun to watch what she chose to work with and how. I left it up to her to choose.

Little brother got in on the fun as well.  He mostly explored the paint.  He also pulled the paper off the table a few times too. Lol!

If you are worried about little ones sampling the could use mushrooms bought in the produce section at the grocery store.

This fun art activity could be changed up by using seasonal produce, like apples. It's a fun way to tie in food and foraging with nature and art.  Just another way to get kids excited about food and nature.

Do you do nature art with your kids?  Please share in the comments.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Learning Colors with Ice Cubes

August 28, 2017 0 Comments
Around the 4th of July, our local surplus store had square red, white & blue reusable ice cubes for sale for about 99 cents a bag. Recently my daughter has discovered that they make a fun manipulative. I just found her lining them up while singing, "I'm learning colors, I'm learning colors." She also loves to stack them; plunk them in a cup; and counting them.  I love finding new uses for everyday items, and apparently she does too!

The other great thing about this activity is that it can be done at the sink and in the kitchen. The more kids spend time in the kitchen, the more comfortable they will be in this space.  The ice cubes are also something that can be frozen, so it is also a great sensory experience too.

What kitchen items do your children gravitate towards?  Have they done any Math play with those items?

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Play & Learning in the Pantry

August 24, 2017 0 Comments
I've been unpacking food items to put into my new pantry.  Today I found all of our peanut butter jars. My two year old daughter immediately saw a play opportunity.  She lined them up by colored lid; made patterns (red lid, yellow lid, red lid, blue lid); and of course counted them.  She even asked me about the contents at one point. The reds were creamy, the blue crunchy, and the yellow jar contained sun butter. She even investigated the labels for letters and pictures.  She combined her play with her other new toy, an old sushi mat. Who needs expensive learning toys when you can learn in your pantry!

After playing, you could have your child choose a peanut butter (or Sun Butter) and make PB&Js. Good food-play connection. Then sit together and share about your day!

Do you let your kids play in the kitchen?

Homemade Geoboards

August 24, 2017 0 Comments
We just moved about a week ago, and our home is filled with boxes and things here and there. As we start unpacking a little bit at a time we are discovering things we didn't even know that we had. The other day our daughter unearthed a large bag of elastics. A thought started brewing in my brain... Geoboards.  When I stumbled upon ice cube trays from our latest trip to Goodwill I knew we had a plan.

Yesterday I setout the Ice Cube trays and some muffin tins. All four of my kids played for quite awhile with our homemade geoboards.  My 11 year old even added a STEM spin by devising a way to shoot elastics with a muffin tin. He and his older brother took turns aiming and shooting. It's possible my oldest was shot in the eye, but I didn't see anything. Lol!

My son decided to freeze an elastic decorated Ice Cube tray. He gets a kick out of offering guests ice from "his" tray. Nothing like a little ownership in the kitchen.

So if you are looking for a fun Math based activity, look no further than the kitchen and junk drawer. Have fun!

Friday, August 4, 2017

Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

August 04, 2017 0 Comments
We have been celebrating fun holidays lately.  Today we baked up several batches of Chocolate Chip Cookies for Chocolate Chip Cookie Day.  The cookies were a big hit with my kids. I would like to say we made them from scratch but we used boxed mixes this go round.  We just had to, because we got each box at our local surplus store for 79 cents a box.  Can't pass up that deal!  Plus we still had to mix them up, measure and bake them. So a great hands-on Math activity too!

Don't feel like everything has to be made from scratch. It's more about the experience. So lighten up, and stock up when you see a good deal.  Enjoy!

Do you bake with your kids? What is your favorite type of cookie?