Today was a gorgeous day for October. The sun was shining, and the outside was calling. So we spent quite a bit of time out on our deck.
My youngest likes to climb. He climbs on any chair within his reach. Mama doesn't like having to chase after him and put him back on the ground a zillion times. So I decided to get creative with the chairs, and I used them to make a large Blanket Fort!
I brought out blankets and throw pillows. I started to gather up the chairs, and put on the first blanket when bam my 2 year old had to get in on the action. After I initially setup the fort, things took a very different turn. Daughter had other ideas....
First, she threw the pillows on top of the blankets. The blankets fell off the chairs of course. Then the play became focused on the chairs. The chairs were lined up. They were decorated with pillows. Giant stuffed animals were brought out, and set upon the chairs. Little brother was manhandled and moved about also. Lol!

This afternoon my oldest son spent some time playing out there with the littles. After he resetup the blanket fort my Daughter ate her snack underneath it, and my one year old laid down. When they were busy playing outside of the fort, Mama even hid under there to get a few moments to use my phone in peace. Haha!
I would have to say this was a successful activity. Sometimes going old school is better than high tech activities. They had such a fun time and got lots of fresh air too!
When was the last time you made a blanket fort for your kids? Have you tried making one outside?
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